
Exploring transformative pathways in environmental education: Insights from our spring term research and three conferences

As part of the PLANET4B project, this spring semester we began our collaboration
with two schools to explore the transformative potential of school gardens and other
experiential learning methods. Our preliminary findings highlight how these methods
can enhance students; cognitive skills and deepen their connection with nature.
Sharing these results at three international conferences, we emphasized the need for
innovative educational approaches and educational policy reforms to foster a
sustainable future.


Our film, True Bread is available on Youtube

One of the top news website in Hungary,  Telex, featured our film about the farmer-baker network and the production of high quality, artisan bread on its front page. The film stars Ádám Fülöp, founder of Pipacs Bakery, Ágoston Nobilis, manager of Csoroszlya Farm, Anikó Palikné and Ferenc Palik, farmers-millers and bakers of Szápár Ökofarm and Biomalom, and mill builder Bence Sáfrán.


Fostering transformative change through citizen science: highlights from the 5th ECSA conference

The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is an international organisation dedicated to disseminating knowledge and multi-stakeholder networks in the field of citizen science. Its main goal is to increase citizen science’s visibility, contribute to science’s democratisation, and support the general public’s participation in research processes. ECSA biannually organises its main event, the Citizen Science Conference, to foster its goals. ECSA brought together its community in Vienna from April 3-6 this year.


PLANET4B on the Graz Seed Festival

Written by Borbála Lipka

This was the 11th year that the urban gardeners and seed enthusiasts of Graz organised a small festival to celebrate the diversity of seeds. As PLANET4B hosts a sectoral case study in Hungary that focuses on agrobiodiversity, seeds and seed systems, this was an excellent opportunity for two ‘neighbouring’ cases to meet on this event: the intensive case carried out in Graz that focuses on green urban spaces’ accessibility for women, and the Hungarian case that aims to discover the Hungarian seed systems.


Mapping the needs of decision-makers to tailor capacity development activities – BioAgora Deliverable 5.1 is out

The Science Service aims to ratchet up the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 by linking scientific and non-scientific knowledge more efficiently with policymaking and implementation. Functioning as a hub for science-policy-society interactions, the Science Service could play a crucial role in enhancing the implementation of biodiversity policies. However, existing research underscores a variety of challenges in this process, necessitating focused efforts on capacity development for key stakeholders. Our freshly published report, employing a diverse methodology of expert interviews, surveys, workshops and desk research, thoroughly examines capacity needs in science-policy-society interfaces (SPSIs) and potential ways the BioAgora project and the forthcoming Science Service could enhance these capacities.


How to research our food environment? – Workshop and publication at the STS Conference

The 21st Annual Science, Technology and Society Studies – STS Conference took place in Graz, Austria, from May 8 to 10. The organisers have a long tradition of bringing the latest and ongoing inter- and transdisciplinary research to the annual conference. In previous years, the ESSRG has also contributed to EU-wide discussions on alternative and healthier food systems at the STS Conference Graz. This time, Alexandra Czeglédi, Vanda Pózner and Diána Szakál from ESSRG co-organised an interactive session with PLAN’EAT project partner Ewa Kopczynska from Jagiellonian University on participatory research processes in food environment research. The workshop was funded by the PLAN’EAT project and the Travelling Ambassador Programme of the University of Pécs.


A Pathway to Food System Transformation – video

This video showcases an exceptional local food supply chain in Budapest city region, part of the country’s farmer-baker-miller network, and a pathway to food system transformation in Hungary. The video features an organic farm on the outskirts of Pest County, Csoroszlya Farm, and the new-wave organic bakery Pipacs, which uses wild yeast.


Budapest Food System – a vision for 2050

As a part of our FoodCLIC Project, we organised a visioning workshop together with the Department for Climate and Environmental Affairs of the Mayor’s Office Budapest. Professionals from different areas of the food system came together to think about what Budapest’s food environment should look like in 2050. Here is a short summary of the findings of the workshop, during which we discussed five different types of food environments.


“Back to the Roots” – Collaboration & Learning in Alternative Grain Networks

In the framework of the COACH project we had the opportunity to work together with many inspiring initiatives, such as one of the original members of the Farmer-Miller-Baker Network’s  in  Hungary, the Artisan Bakery of Pipacs. Between the 20th and 28th of October  2023, Ádám Fülöp, the founder, was able to visit two farmer bakers and a mill constructor in the South of France thanks to the project. You can find his reflections on the experience below. 
