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Summary report of EKLIPSE science cafés is available

During 2017 the societal engagement efforts of EKLIPSE focused on including different actors across Europe in discussions about the diverse values that nature holds and how they could be better integrated into decision-making. The summary report is now available.

Finding ways to harmonize and communicate the plurality of the diverse values including economic, ecological, social and intrinsic values was seen as crucial for better policies in the EU.  We hosted a series of 3 science cafes starting from local level discussions in Hungary to an online event that had participants from many parts of Europe. Finding meaningful ways of communication between science, policy and society and encouraging multidisciplinarity and inclusiveness were seen as the corner stones of developing the harmonization of diverse perspectives into environmental policies. The summary report, published recently, not only hinghlights the main arguments raised during the science cafés, but also shares our experiences on using science cafés as online tools for public engagement. For more information please visit the EKLIPSE website: a general introduction to the science café series, short videos from each of the cafés and the summary report are all available there.