Are there any social and therapeutic gardens in Central-Europe?

In April 2017, we attended an event of Life from Soil Erasmus+ project in Družstevná pri Hornáde near Kosice.

Before we launched the green care branch within the InSPIRES project (you can reach more information on the process here), it had been essential for us to get acquainted with those key players from the neighbourhood countries who provide green care services.

In the frame of the programme, we discovered the educational and therapeutic garden of the Slovakian SOSNA Ekocentrum where we can return to our grandparents era with the help of odorous herbs, creative garden buildings and traditional fruit and vegetable processing tools.

Later, we got to know the work of Lipka which is one of the oldest and largest environmental education organisation in the Czech Republic. Every year over 20 000 students take part in their educational programmes.

Finally, we could take a virtual walk in some British therapeutic, urban and community gardens which are operated by Garden Organic.


Source of the photos: Facebook page of the Life from Soil Erasmus+ project